Earthly Pleasures Show

On view                                                                                                   June 1- August 31 Curated by James McBride                                                                                                                             Michael’s Restaurant Santa Monica

1147 3rd St, Santa Monica, CA 90403
A Survey of Prints from Art Division at Michael’s Restaurant. The exhibition includes etchings, linoleum block and reductive color prints created by Art Division students, instructors and staff between 2010-2024.
Art Division is proud to present a survey of prints created from 2010 to 2014. The exhibition will be held at Michael’s Restaurant, Santa Monica from February 9 to Mar 31, 2024 . Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 4 to 9 PM. Please have the restaurant host direct you to the exhibition.

On view

FEBRUARY 8th – MARCH 31st 2024

4-9pm / Tuesday – Saturday                                                           Michael’s Restaurant Santa Monica
1147 3rd St, Santa Monica, CA 90403

Javier Carrillo, director of the Sam Francis Print Studio at Art Division, is curator of the exhibition with assistance from Victor Reyes. Prints made by Art Division students will be shown along with work by three acclaimed artists Roger Herman, Fernando Sandoval, and John Nava who have taught at Art Division over the years.

Under Javier’s direction the Print shop at Art Division has become a vibrant center of creativity and community. It opened in 2010 with supervision from Master printer Fernando Sandoval from Taller Sangfer, Oaxaca, who worked tirelessly with Javier to set up the etching press. Over the years Javier has developed an array of etching, mezzotint and dry-point techniques that do not require toxic materials. He has also taught students to make reductive linoleum prints, a technique similar to Japanese wood block.

John Nava – Dan McCleary – Luis Serrano – Alina Kawai – Javier Carrillo – Angela Pastor – Roberto Ortiz – Lupita Limon – Austin Gutierrez – Victor Reyes – Joanny Leyva – Jennifer Payan – Carina G. – Daniel Pacheco – Jess Munoz – Sam Aguilar – Kat Sanchez – Luis Motta – Melissa Soriano – EMX – Stephanie Hernandez – Gema Limeta – Fernando Sandoval – Victor Reyes – Oscar Lainez – Jairo Perez – Roger Herman – Jane T. – Heather Romero – Trisha H. – Jorge Perez.

Special thanks to:
Kim, Michael and Chas McCarty, Michael’s Restaurant
Jane Berman of Ota House for the generous donation of frames
Victor Reyes, Art Division Print Instructor
Elsa Longhauser, Art Division Director of Excursions